Advertisement for commodities plays a major role in forming perception of a brand, especially because the quality of a commodity is not easily measurable or visible. All cement brands are grey in colour, all glass look equally transparent and all steel rods look equally strong.
Proper choice of media to ensure maximum reach is very important. In their zeal to advertise, companies often reach out to those people who are not the potential buyers or influencers, leading to spillage.
Drafting the message in the advertisement for commodities is a very skillful task. The communication should strike the tacit needs of the customers. In my experience of cement, I observed that strength has become an over-used word in the industry. So, at the time of launch of Solid HD+ cement in Odisha, we tried to distinguish enduringness of structures from the initial strength of concrete. Also, market study told us that aesthetics had become an important consideration for home builders. So cement also has to contribute to the aesthetics of the house. This led to High Durability & High Designability as the positioning USP for the brand and all marketing communications harped on these two promises of the product.
Tag lines and USPs to be promoted need a lot of consideration before finalization.
Media of advertisement for commodities
There are several media of advertisement for commodities, which can be broadly classified under one of the three types.
- Above the Line (ATL): Untargeted like TV advertisement, newspaper, radio, hoardings, etc.
- Below the Line (BTL): Targeted to a specific audience or region like fliers in newspaper in a specific area, customer meetings, in-shop advertisement, email marketing, trade shows/ exhibitions, event sponsorship, targeted Search engine optimization (SEO), etc.
- Through the Line (TTL): It is an integrated approach where both ATL and BTL advertisement strategies are combined. Digital marketing where objective is both brand building among a large audience as well as targeted marketing for a specific online customer is an example of TTL.
All media, including print, electronic (TV/ radio/ theatre), out-of-home, online, marketing literature, point-of-purchase, events etc. have varying roles to play in the advertisement for commodities. Selection has to done basis the their reach and type of consumers. If there is need of mass coverage, consciously select print or TV media. The thumb rule is to advertise at least in the top two newspaper publications if print is the selected medium. Similarly, advertise in TV channels with good TRP if electronic media advertisement is the requirement. Celebrity endorser, if any, has to be in-line with the ethos of the brand.
OOH and POP advertising need proper recce of the geographies to ensure maximum visibility. Advertisement for commodities should also ensure that the captive audience gets the message sound and clear from the advertisement.
Digital marketing and development of brochures & leaflets should be done by specialized agencies if the expertise is not there in the company because among all media, they provide the most detailed information about the product and should achieve the correct positioning of the brand. Promotional events like trade shows, on-ground activation, customer/ influencers meetings, cause marketing activities and public relation events are opportunities where the customer gets to interact with the company personnel. In all these events, a uniform messaging is a must. The brand equity should not get diluted.
Advertisement is often the second largest expenditure for sales promotion, after channel discounts. So, it requires close monitoring during execution. Companies often depend on the agencies for execution of marketing activities. They do not monitor the execution closely. Later, reality strikes and they is no clue as to why there is no uptick in sales, despite such heavy spend.