Commodity Handling Agents

Commodity Handling Agents or Carrying and Forwarding Agents (CFAs) act as the bridge between the company and customers. Companies need them because they cannot manage the logistics in all the markets. Handling agents need to have a good liaison with the local labour unions, transporters, godown owners and often with the wholesalers.

Responsibilities of Commodity Handling Agents

  1. The handling agents are responsible for receipt of material from the factories, upkeep of good stock in the godowns, data entry in ERP system etc.
  2. They are responsible for the timely dispatch of goods to customers & invoicing.
  3. If the material arrives by rail, handling agents also need to coordinate with local Railways Department officers for unloading of material from the wagons and transportation to the godown.
  4. In case of damages in material during transit to the godown, commodity handling agents are responsible for the salvage or disposal of damaged material.
  5. CFAs also have a role in controlling infiltration of material meant to be dispatched to one area but unloaded in other area, especially if CFA is also responsible for arranging the transport.

Commodity Handling Agents versus Distributors/ Wholesalers

A few large companies do not allow their CFAs to do wholesaling of their product or other brand in the same industry. This is done to avoid conflict of interest as the CFA might start using the godown premises or company’s transportation vehices to favour his own retailers over other those of other distributors serviced from the godown.

However, this has been implemented by a very few building materials companies as at the time of entering a new market, companies want to outsource the material handling work to someone who knows the product and industry well and an existing Distributor of the product in the area is well versed with the nature of the product. Also, it gives quick access to the retailers of that Distributor if he becomes his CFA also.

5 Business Risks

Marketing of commodities involves several business risks. However, most of the business risks can be categorized in one of the 5 Business Risk categories. Below is the list of business risks and the possible risk management methods adopted by companies. The list is not comprehensive and certain industries might face business risks peculiar for that industry. Business risks can be seasonal or perpetual. Also, severity can be different for different companies for the same risk.

Classification of Business Risks:

5 Business Risks
5 Business Risks
Sl.Risk IdentificationAssessment of identified riskRisk SeverityRisk Management
1Manufacturing Risks   
aNon-availability of raw materials/ consumablesCompany did not identify multiple sources for raw materialsHighAlternate vendors/ mines should be identified.
bBreakdown in machineryEquipments might face breakdownHighScheduled preventive maintenance should be done on time. Spare parts should be stocked.
cLabour issuesLabour might go on a strike or might be unavailable for a few days due to a festival in the region or might get infected with a pandemic at the same time.LowLabour should be trained on multiple tasks to bring flexibility. Automation will also help in bringing down the dependence on manual labour.
dDisruption in power, water supplies, gas, etc.There might be disruption in public utilities.LowBack-up for a few days for power, water, gas, etc. should be ready with the factory.
eQuality spillsThe quality of the product might deteriorate.LowStaff should be encouraged to undertake quality improvement/ defect reduction projects.
2Risks in Marketing
aChange in preference/ Technology disruptionCompany did not foresee the changing preferences of consumers or a new player has entered which has changed the way customer was earlier doing transactions.MediumCompany should routinely survey customer satisfaction with the company’s services/ products and track any changes in the market trends.
bInadequate promotionCompany might not be spending enough to build awareness for its products or to convert interest into sales.MediumRight mix of the various advertising media along with right timing needs to be strategized for maximum return.
cWeak USP/ Incorrect marketing communicationBenefits highlighted for the product might not be resonating with the consumer or the message is not very clear.MediumMarket survey should be done to understand stated as well as tacit needs of the customer/ influencer.
dWrong choice of channel partnersDistributors and retailers selected might not be enterprising enough or have too little financial strength to promote the productHighFinancially stable, enthusiastic and preferably well-connected channel partners should be selected in a new market.
eMisdirected advertisementMarketing communications might not be reaching the correct target audienceHighProper selection of advertising media should be done.
fWrong pricing strategyPricing might not have been set correctly for the customer to see correct value of the productHighPricing should be done keeping the value perception, competitor pricing and customer purchasing power.
gInsufficient samplingCompany might not be distributing enough samples in the market or not MediumProvide enough samples and proof of concept in the market.
hPoor after sales experience for the customerCompany might not have put in place a robust after sales customer support team or might not handhold the customer during installationMediumDedicated after sales team should be built. This job should not be left to regular sales team.
3Material Handling & Logistics Risks
 aCarrying & Forwarding Agents (CFA) not executing orders not time.CFAs might not be very efficient in servicing customers, leading to delays in customer service.MediumPayments done on monthly basis, so there is incentive for CFAs to perform well.
 bInefficiency in clearing stock from rake point resulting in higher demurrage & wharfage chargesDifficult to monitor whether the CFA is working efficiently or not.MediumLogistics officers appointed in major markets to oversee such issues.
 cClaim of higher shortages & damages by CFAsDifficult to inspect the entire incoming material, especially from rake.MediumLogistics officers appointed in major markets to oversee such issues.
 dTransport vehicle meeting with accidents on the way.Possibility of trucks meeting accidents on the way due to negligence of drivers or other reasons.LowDrivers asked to stick to speed limits by the transporters.
 eStealth of material by transporterTrucks not tracked on the way to the destination. Low GPS tracking system installed on trucks.
 fTransport Unions strong in certain marketsTransport unions make secondary movement expensive or difficult in certain markets.MediumComplying with the local requirements
gNatural calamity at godownsCalamities like earthquake, floods, fire, etc. can strike the godowns and damage the material stored.LowSwift action taken by company to salvage the stuck material.
hIllegal land/ restrictive areasDepots can be located in areas where government might impose transport restrictions or land can be declared as illegal possession by landlord.MediumMarketing officers do due diligence while recommending godowns. All papers checked as per legal requirements.
iStealth of material from godownsDifficult to monitor to godowns round the clock.HighMaterial in depots audited periodically by marketing team, Cameras installed in godowns.
4Risks from Customers   
 aCredit riskCustomers given much higher credit than the security depositsMediumCredit limits set and increased only after due diligence.
 bOutstandingFor some customers, outstanding is high and might be difficult to collect.HighConstant follow-up done with customers for timely payment. Bank Guarantees available for major Non-Trade customers.
 cMaterial against concessional tax ratesClients might not be able to give the required documentation in time.MediumConstant follow-up done with customers.
 dSupply issuesSupplies might not reach the customers as per promised schedule or not match their quality requirements.MediumOfficer following up with the transporters and separate quality team functional.
 eMarket price dilution by big wholesalersBig wholesalers might try to average out their earnings.LowDiscounts structured to not allow a big wholesaler influence market prices.
fInadequate profit margin to channel partnersThe competition might be offering better ROI for the channel partners.MediumFrequent checks by the company to assess the profitability of the channel partners need to be done.
5Risks from Environment Changes   
 aNew players entering the marketCan affect our market share and prices in the marketLowConstant market feedback taken from regional offices.
 bNon-availability of other associated commodities like sand and gravel for cement, etc.Can affect sales of commodityLowConstant market feedback taken from local marketing people.
 cEconomic recession/ Natural calamityCan affect spending power of consumersLowCompany closely watching the economic scenario.
Table showing the 5 Business Risks

The various steps in risk management plan are enlisting all the possible risks, their likelihoods of occurrence, their expected impact or severity and making preparations for risk mitigation.