No industry will be so peculiar like building materials wherein the consumers’ decision is shaped so much by the influencers. The role of influencers like masons/ glaziers, engineers, architects, retailers, shop managers, friends, family members, contractors and star endorsers is immense, not to forget the influence by the wholesalers/ distributors. Their influence is because consumers do not know much about these products and there is no second opportunity for them to build a house. It should not come as a surprise if the mason is insisting on a specific cement or steel brand or the contractor is insisting for one paint brand.
The role of influencers is so high that companies are running incentive schemes for these influencers so that they promote their brand more often. Companies are sending the engineers & architects for foreign leisure tours, giving white goods to masons and shop managers and felicitating high sales volume retailers.

Role of influencers
Masons, glaziers, plumbers, electricians, painters etc.
Role of influencers, who have become specialists in their job, because of their know-how earned through years of experience, have a lot of clout among the customers. Their influence is higher in rural areas. As these people have worked with the commodities like cement, steel, pipes, cables, paints, etc., consumers think that they will provide correct feedback. Consumers often go against the other influencers and well-wishers’ advice to procure the brands suggested by this lot. Their influence reduces in urban places where they act on the recommendations of the contractors.
Individual house builders are now-a-days outsourcing construction to contractors. Here, the contractors becomes the biggest influencer. The contractor recommends brands with which cost of construction is minimum or there is a special incentive for promoting a brand.
Engineers & architects
In urban areas, it is a trend to hire engineers and architects/ interior designers for house construction. These technical people often recommend certain brands according to the durability and design needs. Brands try to bring them under their loyalty fold by creating awareness programs for them and through referral programs.
Retailers & Shop managers
Role of retailers or shop managers appears at the point of purchase, especially if the customer has not come with a pre-determined brand in mind. They are often able to influence him to the brand which is most profitable to the store’s business.
Other influencers
There is another set of influencers like friends and family, and celebrities promoting a brand in advertisements. That is why we see that several actors and sportsmen now-a-days are advertising for cement, steel, paints, etc. The role of influencers varies with awareness level of end user.